Centenary ConcertMusical    
Centenary Concert
Consultant Director's NoteMessage from  Director
Foreword from The Principal

Music has always been very much part of our school life.  When we started to plan for the centennial celebration more than a year ago, the proposal of staging a school concert was unanimously adopted.

Many of our students are music-lovers, be it singing or instrument-playing.  It is with the concerted efforts of teachers, students and the alumnae that we are able to present to you this evening a a concert of both Chinese and Western music, and, in particular, a musical "My Fair Lady".

The production of the musical involves long and arduous preparation by different group of people.  Credit should go to Mrs. Mala Barber, the director, Miss Phyllis S. C. Lau, consultant director, Miss Wong Siu To, music director, Miss Wong Yung Sze and Miss Wendy Chu, choreographers.

The Organizing Committee of the Centenary Concert convened by Mr. Kwan Hon Cheung and Mr. Cho Kong Sang deserves our heartfelt thanks for their meticulous attention to every detail of the year-long preparation work.

I would also like to thank the Alumnae Choir, Miss Wong Ka Bo, the conductor, Miss Lam King Wai, the accompanist, Mr Wu Ta Nien, conductor of the Recorder Band, Miss Chan Lok Yan, Joyce, conductor of both the Chinese Orchestra and the Junior Choir, and all performers for their enjoyable performances.

We owe the success of this concert to the generous support of many people, especially our patroness, Mrs. Anna Sohmen.  Without their advice and assistance, the concert would have never come into being.

Chau Ma Pui Kin

Copyright 2000  Ying Wa Girls' School Alumnae Association