22 October 2019

Miss Lai, we miss you!

With a heavy heart, I am very sorry to inform you that Ms. Venny Lai (黎敏健老師), our former English and Literature teacher(1987-1993), passed away suddenly while vacationing in Osaka on 14th October, 2019, Monday night local time. Miss Lai's requiem mass will start at 10:00am on Saturday, October 26 at St Ignatius Chapel, 56 Waterloo Road, Wah Yan College, Kowloon (聖依納爵小堂香港九龍窩打老道五十六號華仁書院).   Refreshment and time of sharing and reflection to follow in The CityView Hotel,  5/F Diamond Room (23 Waterloo Road) from 11:30~14:00.  In lieu of flowers, the family would be grateful for...
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18 October 2019


「輕鬆減壓半天行」 各位校友,想舒展一下身心,放鬆一下心情嗎? 校友會希望透過輕鬆的行山活動,和大家一起去登高遠望,暫時放下重擔,放開懷抱,享受大自然。 短線郊遊,旨在結伴同行,責任自負,4人起動,上限20。 日期: 2019.11.2 (六)  路線: 無限風光在山頂  詳情:山頂廣場→盧吉道或夏力道→高西郊遊區→同樂徑→山頂花園→柯士甸山道→山頂廣場 全長~5km,主要是平坦已修築道路,只有同樂徑一段需上梯級。山頂花園風景優美,視野遼闊,觀景/休憇/祈禱都適合。 集合: 10:00 山頂廣場外的纜車模型。 (敬請準時,逾時不候) 活動時間: 10:00 - 13:00  報名方法: 請留意: 1. 自備糧水及晴雨用品。 2. 如活動當天上午 07:30,天文台發出任何暴雨或雷暴警告,3號或以上暴風訊號,,活動將會取消!
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19 April 2019

Open Prayer Meeting on 13 April 2019

The Meeting was well attended with over a thousand participants including alumnae, teachers, parents and friends of Ying Wa.  The theme was "Come Celebrate".  Once again the Silcocks Hall was filled with hymn-singing and praying voices. There were three sharing sessions in which Mr Francis Kwan, Mrs Ruth Lee, Ms Dorothy Wong and Ms Unson Chung shared their thoughts and feelings throughout the school development process.  The Meeting concluded with Benediction Prayer by Rev CC Lee and a happy group photo. At the end of the day, all left with a joyful and thankful heart.
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29 March 2019

Founder’s Day Service & Dinner 2019

On 29 March 2019, more than 250 alumnae, teachers and guests attended the annual event at Cuisine Royale (薈軒), Wan Chai. We praised and gave thanks to the Lord during the Founder's Day Service. The AA AGM was held smoothly and the special resolution to amend the Articles of Association of the YWGSAA Limited was adopted with consent. Election of the 2019-2021 term of AA Council members was carried out by voting. Mrs Ruth Lee, the Returning Officer, supervised the process and announced the result during the dinner. Participants were also apprised of the updates on the BIG MOVE and our NEW...
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19 February 2019

YWGS Overseas Alumnae Newsletter (8th Issue)

YWGS Overseas Alumnae Newsletter has just been released. Enjoy the content! Overseas Alumnae Newsletter (Web Version, 8th Issue) - The cover story is on the New IMC Honorary Managers.  Other interesting articles include: Reunion news of 1962 & 1968 F5 Graduates, Achievement of Rope Skipping Team, News from Vancouver, Toronto, N California, S California, Sydney and Malawi. Enjoy your reading! {{ Past Issues }}
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19 February 2019

YWGSAA Newsletter (Feb 2019)

YWGSAA Newsletter has just been released. Enjoy the content! YWGSAA Newsletter (Print & Web version) - The cover story is on the New IMC Honorary Managers.  In this issue, there are many interesting articles and sharings from alumnae and news from school, including Special Thanks to our Janitor Staff, Congratulations to Dr Chong ('95), Red Tomato Tuckshop, Reunion news of 1962, 1968, 1978 & 1993 F5 Graduates, Eco-cultural Trip to Yim Tin Tsai, Achievement of Rope Skipping Team, etc. {{ Past Issues }}
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31 January 2019

Nomination of Council Members (2019 – 2021)

Invitation from Ms Anita Chui, the President of YWGSAAL: "The term of office for the current Council will expire in March 2019.  Here may I invite nominations from all of you.  Please consider whether you yourself or your former classmate(s) would like to contribute, commit and serve our alumnae for the next two years..." Please submit the Nomination Form by mail (to YWGSAAL, 101 Castle Peak Road, Shamshuipo, Kln) on or before 25 Feb 2019. Details & Nomination Form
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31 January 2019

Founder’s Day Service & Dinner 2019

This annual event will be held on 29 March 2019 (Friday), 6-10 p.m., at Cuisine Royale (薈軒),7/F, Hopewell Centre,Wan Chai.  Reception starts at 5:30pm.  Programme includes Annual General Meeting, Founder's Day Service & Dinner. Link for online reservation Flyer with reply slip Notice of AGM & Proxy Form
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